Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Hosted by the City of Sausalito
The Spinnaker Restaurant, 100 Spinnaker Drive
Sausalito, CA 94965
6:00 PM Social Hour
7:00 PM Business Meeting & Dinner
1. Call to Order: President Herb Weiner
2. Public Comment (Limit 2 minutes per person)
3. Welcome and Introduction of Guests: Mayor Michael Kelly
4. Approval of Minutes: September 24, 2012 Meeting
5. Committee Reports (please limit your report to three minutes):
· Golden Gate Bridge Highway & Transportation District (Alice Fredericks)
· Transportation Authority of Marin (Alice Fredericks)
· Legislative Committee (Alice Fredericks)
· League of California Cities (Nancy Hall Bennett)
6. Other reports – CAL-ID Ran (Len Rifkind)
7. Appointments to Fill Committee Vacancies
· CAL-ID RAN (1 open seat) – 7-member board provides review for all local agency applications to participate in the California Automated Fingerprint Identification System. Meets one or twice a year.
The MCCMC representative is a mayor selected by the City Selection Committee. A letter of interest has been received from Mayor Len Rifkind. City Selection Committee [all mayors who are present] will convene for 5 minutes at end of meeting to confirm appointment.
7:45 PM Program: Marin County YMCA Youth Court – Successes since 2004 Speaker: Don Carney, Director
8:30 PM ADJOURN: to next meeting hosted by the Town of Tiburon on Wednesday, November 28, 2012.
Upcoming Meetings: November 28 – Tiburon (deadline for agenda items is November 21)
No meeting in December – Happy Holidays!
January 23, 2013 – Belvedere