Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hosted by the City of Larkspur

American Legion Post 313, 500 Magnolia Avenue

Larkspur, CA 94939


6:00 PM       Social Hour


7:00 PM       Business Meeting and Dinner


            1.      Call to Order:  President Herb Weiner


            2.      Public Comment (Limit 3 minutes per person)


3.            Welcome and Introduction of Guests: Larkspur Mayor Dan Hillmer


4.            Approval of Minutes – March 27, 2013 meeting


            5.      Action Item:  Request by City of Mill Valley to cancel May meeting in favor of an August 28, 2013 meeting /Adopt revised Meeting Calendar (Mayor Berman/President Weiner)


6.      Nominations for Executive Committee 2013-14 term (President and Vice President) – Nominations from the floor are normally taken at the May meeting*;   action is being moved up due to the proposed cancellation of the May meeting.  (Election of President and Vice President will take place at the June meeting as scheduled.)


7.      Committee Reports: (Not to exceed 3 minutes per report)

·         GGBHTD (Alice Fredericks)

·         Transportation Authority of Marin (Alice Fredericks)

·         Legislative Committee (Alice Fredericks)

·         League of California Cities (Nancy Hall Bennett)

·         ABAG (Pat Eklund)


7:45 PM       Program:  Public Emergency Communications and Disaster Preparedness

                     Speakers: Mark Brown, Interim Deputy Fire Chief, Marin County Fire;

                                       Len Rifkind, Larkspur City Council Member


8:30 PM       ADJOURN:  to a meeting of the City Selection Committee (see agenda, p. 2)


Upcoming Meetings:   May 22, 2013 – City of Mill Valley [Request for Cancellation of Meeting]

                                    June 26, 2012 – City of Novato

                                    No meeting in July

                                    August 28, 2013 – City of Mill Valley [Rescheduled from May 2013]         




AGENDA – City Selection Committee (aka Mayor’s Select Committee)


8:30 PM Call to Order


CITY SELECTION COMMITTEEAll City/Town Mayors [San Rafael Mayor is usually elected Chair for continuity]


The City Selection Committee of Marin operates under the powers vested in the Committee by Article II (commencing with Section 50270) of Chapter l, Division l, Title 5 of the California Government Code.  Regular meetings are held immediately following the regular meetings of MCCMC.  The Committee, annually in April, shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair.


[Govt. Code Section 50270.  In any county in which two or more cities are incorporated there is hereby created a city selection committee the purpose of which shall be to appoint city representatives to boards, commissions, and agencies as required by law. The membership of each such city selection committee shall consist of the mayor of each city within the county.]


Action Item: Election of Chair/Vice Chair










Section 1. There shall be two officers, namely, a President and a Vice-President. Nominations

shall be open and taken from the floor at the May meeting, and election of President

and Vice-President shall be held each year at the June meeting, for a one-year term

beginning July 1, according to procedures outlined in Article VIII, Sec. 1.


a. President: Duties of the President are to prepare a budget, to coordinate and plan

business portions of the meetings, preside over meetings and sign correspondence

authorized and directed by the COUNCIL.


b. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the

absence of such officer.