Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hosted by the City of Novato

The Buck Institute for Research on Aging

8001 Redwood Boulevard

Novato, CA 94945


6:00 PM          Social Hour


7:00 PM          Business Meeting and Dinner


            1.         Call to Order:  President Madeline Kellner


            2.         Public Comment (Limit 3 minutes per person)


3.            Welcome and Introduction of Guests: Novato Mayor Denise Athas


4.            Approval of MinutesMarch 28, 2012 meeting


5.            Announcement of current and pending vacancies on Local and Regional Committees (please send letters of interest to President Kellner)


·         Cal-ID Remote Access Network – One vacancy (position previously held by Barbara Thornton) - Two-year term ended March, 2012


·         Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) – Two term expirations:

      MCCMC Representative and Alternate (positions currently held by Barbara Heller and Herb Weiner) – Four-year terms ending May, 2012


6.         Committee Reports: (Not to exceed 3 minutes per report)

·         GGBHTD (Alice Fredericks)

·         TAM (Alice Fredericks)

·         Legislative Committee (Alice Fredericks)

·         DC3 (Len Rifkind)

·         Homeless Policy Committee (Len Rifkind)

·         Major Crimes Task Force (Pat Eklund)

·         JPA Oversight Committee (Pat Eklund)

·         ABAG (Pat Eklund)


            7.         Other Reports


7:45 PM          Presentation:  New Era in Aging Research

                        Speakers: Mary McEachron, JD, Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel, plus a Faculty Scientist


8:30 PM          ADJOURN:  to the next meeting hosted by the Town of Ross

                        Deadline for Agenda Items – May 16, 2012 ([email protected])       


Upcoming Meetings:   May 23, 2012 – Town of Ross

                                    June 27, 2012 – Town of San Anselmo                                

                                    No meetings in July and August