Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hosted by the Town of San Anselmo –

A Joint Program with Marin Community United*

Jason’s Restaurant

300 Drake’s Landing Road

Greenbrae, CA 94904



6:00 PM          Social Hour – *Come meet and socialize with representatives from your local school districts (Community United)


7:00 PM          Business Meeting and Dinner


            1.         Call to Order:  President Madeline Kellner


            2.         Public Comment (Limit 3 minutes per person)


3.            Welcome and Introduction of Guests: San Anselmo Mayor Tom McInerney


4.            Approval of MinutesMay 23, 2012 meeting


5.            Adoption of Meeting Calendar for 2012-13


6.            Appointments to Local and Regional Committees


·         Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Executive BoardTerm expirations:  MCCMC Representative and Alternate (positions currently held by Pat Eklund and Dan Hillmer; letters of interest included in packet) – Action: Reappointment to two-year terms ending June, 2014


7.         Appointments to Executive Committee:  President, Vice President for 2012-13 Term (Nominations will be accepted from the floor at the May meeting and a vote by the membership will be held at the June meeting)


Nominations received for President:  Herb Weiner

Vice President: Len Rifkind (letter of interest included in packet)


8.         Committee Reports: (Not to exceed 3 minutes per report)

·         ABAG (Pat Eklund)

·         GGBHTD (Alice Fredericks)

·         TAM (Alice Fredericks)

·         Legislative Committee (Alice Fredericks)

·         Marin Telecommunications Agency (Andy Berman or Barbara Thornton)

·         SMART (Stephanie Moulton-Peters)


            9.         Other Reports


7:45 PM          Presentation:  Technology in Meetings: Finding the Best Balance

                        Speaker: JoAnne Speers, Executive Director, Institute for Local Government


8:30 PM          ADJOURN:  to the next meeting hosted by the City of San Rafael

                        No meeting in July or August – Happy Summer!



Next Meeting:  September 26, 2012 in San Rafael

Deadline for Agenda Items = September 19, 2012 ([email protected])







Section 1. There shall be two officers, namely, a President and a Vice-President. Nominations

shall be open and taken from the floor at the May meeting, and election of President

and Vice-President shall be held each year at the June meeting, for a one-year term

beginning July 1, according to procedures outlined in Article VIII, Sec. 1.


a. President: Duties of the President are to prepare a budget, to coordinate and plan

business portions of the meetings, preside over meetings and sign correspondence

authorized and directed by the COUNCIL.


b. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the

absence of such officer.







Section 1. Each member City shall have one vote. Voting may be by voice vote, unless a roll call vote is requested by any individual Councilmember. In a roll call vote, the

representatives in attendance from each member city shall collectively cast the vote for

their city. In the case of a policy issue, roll call votes shall be cast verbally. In the event

of a committee, board, or other open seat sought by more than one councilmember,

the vote may be cast by ballot, one ballot per city. The MCCMC Secretary will collect

the ballots, tabulate them, and announce the tabulated result. City ballots will be

available at the end of the meeting for viewing by any MCCMC member. A majority of

the votes cast shall be necessary for a decision.