Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hosted by the Town of Corte Madera
Best Western Hotel - Next to Max’s restaurant
56 Madera Boulevard
Corte Madera, CA 94925
6:00 PM Social Hour (Park in spaces designated for HOTEL only)
7:00 PM Business Meeting and Dinner
1. Call to Order: President Shawn Marshall
2. Public Comment (Limit 2 minutes per person)
3. Welcome and Introduction of Guests: Corte Madera Mayor Carla Condon
4. Approval of Minutes: June 23, 2010 Meeting
5. Agenda and Meeting Format for 2010-11: Shawn Marshall
6. Approval of MCCMC Budget for FY 2010-11: Shawn Marshall
7. Committee Reports: (Not to exceed 3 minutes per report)
· Golden Gate Bridge, Highway & Transportation District (Al Boro)
· League of California Cities – (Nancy Hall Bennett)
· Legislative Committee (Alice Fredericks)
· Marin County Homeless Policy Committee (Brockbank/Rifkind)
· SMART (Joan Lundstrom)
· Transportation Authority of Marin (Alice Fredericks)
8. Other Reports
7:45 PM Program: “Pretend Pensions: Just How Much are California’s Public Employee Retirement Funds Underwater? And where does Marin fall?”
Speaker: Joe Nation, former Assemblyman; Professor and Director of Graduate Student Practicum, Stanford University
8:30 PM ADJOURN: to next meeting in Town of Fairfax
Deadline for Agenda Items – October 20, 2010 ([email protected])
Upcoming Meetings: Wednesday, October 27 in Fairfax
Thursday, November 18 in Larkspur (November meeting alternate date)