Monday, September 24, 2012

Hosted by the City of San Rafael

Terrapin Crossroads - 100 Yacht Club Drive

San Rafael, CA 94901



6:00 PM          Social Hour


7:00 PM          Business Meeting and Dinner


            1.         Call to Order:  President Herb Weiner


            2.         Public Comment (Limit 3 minutes per person)


3.                 Welcome and Introduction of Guests: Mayor Gary Phillips


4.               Incoming President’s Remarks:

·         Recognition of outgoing MCCMC President Madeline Kellner

·         Recognition of outgoing League of California Cities Boardmember Alice Fredericks

·         Introduction of new Council members and City Managers

      (Belvedere & Ross)


5.                Approval of Minutes - June 27, 2012 meeting


            6.          Adoption of Budget for FY 2012-13


7.          Committee Reports: (Not to exceed 3 minutes per report)

·         ABAG (Pat Eklund)

·         SMART (Stephanie Moulton-Peters)

·         Transportation Authority of Marin (Alice Fredericks)

·         League of California Cities (Nancy Hall Bennett)

·         Legislative Committee (Alice Fredericks)


            8.         Other reports


7:45 PM          Program: “In and Out of Addiction: A Marin Story”

                        Speaker: Kristina Wandzilak, Executive Director, Full Circle Intervention


8:30 PM          ADJOURN:  to the next meeting in the City of Sausalito

                        Deadline for Agenda Items – October 17, 2012 ([email protected])


Upcoming Meetings:   Wednesday, October 24 in Sausalito

                                    Wednesday, November 28 in Tiburon

                                    No meeting in December - Happy Holidays!